Throat cancer symptoms

Most common Symptoms are:

1.Hoarsness of Voice that does not resolve within 1 or 2 weeks.
2.Sore Throat for a long time that does not resolve even with antibiotics.
3.Neck pain.
4.difficulty in swallowing.
5.swelling in the neck.
6.Difficulty in breathing can also occur.
7.Abnormal breathing sounds.
8.Unexplained Cough.
9.Coughing up blood.

possible symptoms;numbness of facial muscles,unintentional weight loss etc.

Diagnosis:diagnosis can be done by lyrngeoscopy,MRI's,and through biopsies.

Treatments:Treatment is aimed at destruction of cancerous cells and prevention of spread of cancer to the other parts of the body.....Common options are;

....some modern treatment options are;
1.Intensity-modulated Radiation therapy
2.Image guided Radio therapy
3.Tomo therapy
4.Gamma knife
5.Prostate seeds tomography
7.Image fusion

Preventions:One of the Best ways to reduce the risk of Throat Cancer is to minimize or avoid Smoking and excess use of Alcohol,and not to adopt the Un-natural sexual behaviours.

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